Eagle Eye News

Praise the Lord for an amazing leadership retreat weekend for our Student Council and Chapel Ministry Team students, where they were challenged by what and who they allow themselves to be influenced by and the impact that has on how they influence others. Have you taken stock lately on who and what you allow to be an influencer in your life? Take a moment with one of these leadership students and they would love to talk with you about it!

Junior High Basketball games are underway this week! Check out the weekly Eagle Eye for the most up-to-date schedule, important dates and read on for time sensitive announcements and details.  Please take note, there will not be community library hour this Thursday.

Parent/Teacher and Student-Led Conferences are this Friday for all students in all grades. Everyone should have received information from their student’s homeroom teacher to sign up for a conference time. If you are unable to make a conference time on Friday, please reach out to the homeroom teacher to set up an alternate time. We look forward to seeing you all there!

DCS elementary classes will be working on collecting items for Operation Christmas Child from November 4th-7th.  This project blesses kids in need by sharing the gospel of Christ AND giving them a shoebox filled with gifts. To participate, elementary classes can donate here or bring in items for their grade by using the following suggested list.

  • Pre-K & Kinder: Toys, school supplies, craft items, clothing & accessories or personal care items for 2-4 year olds

  • 1st grade: Toys, school supplies and craft items for 5-9 year olds

  • 2nd grade: Toys, personal care items, clothing & accessories for 5-9 year olds

  • 3rd grade: Toys, crafts items, and school supplies for 5-9 year olds

  • 4th grade: Toys, personal care items, and clothing & accessories for 10-14 year olds

  • 5th grade: Toys, craft items, and school supplies for 10-14 year olds

  • 6th grade: Toys, personal care items, and clothing & accessories for 10-14 year olds

Need inspiration? Visit https://samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/ or checkout Operation Christmas Child’s Official Amazon list: https://www.amazon.com/shop/operationchristmaschild

Junior High and High School students will be working on packing individual boxes in conjunction with Missions Club. 

Open Staff Positions – DCS is looking to fill a couple upcoming openings and are taking applications for open positions now. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact the school office.   Open positions include long-term substitute for Spanish and Assistant Track & Field Coaches.

The Damascus Christian Holiday Spirit Wear Sale Is Here! With hundreds of designs and options to choose from it is time to check a few gift ideas off your Christmas shopping list. Save 25% on all merchandise and get free shipping on orders over $75, with guaranteed delivery by December 23rd. Sales runs from November 4th – December 10thShop Now and get your order in days! https://1stplace.sale/76481

Attention all JH and HS students! DSM Fall Retreat 2024 is just around the corner! The retreat will take place November 8th-10th at Camp Tadmor near Eugene. The cost is $130 to attend. Don’t miss out and register before it’s too late! https://dcc.breezechms.com/form/DSMFallRetreat2024 

Mark your calendars, DCC is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on campus November 16th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM